About Empress Support Services

Empress Support Services provides a wide range of services focused on the delivery of in-home, community and residential support. Our services range from a few hours of in-home support through to whole-day activities. This guide introduces you to our services and how we are here to help you

Contact Details

Empress Support Services
Administrative Team


19/180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia


68 653 655 577

Our Vision

To be the preferred provider of support and services for people with a disability and their families’ support.
To help connect, build, and sustain a contented group of participants who, whilst in our care will receive the best service we can provide, delivered in a personal, caring, and meaningful way.

Our Services

Empress Support Services a registered NDIS provider for the following NDIS Registration Groups:

  • Assistance with accessing employment.
  • Assistance with personal care and safety products.
  • Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports.
  • Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement.
  • Innovative Community Participation.
  • Household Tasks.
  • Participation in Community, Social & Civic Activities.
  • Assistance with Travel and Transportation.
  • Group / Centre Activities.
  • Implementing Behaviours Management.

For more information about these services please call us on 03 8899 9168

Our opening hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday and closed on Sunday—after-hours number 03 8899 9168 & 0413 754 441.

Service Quality

To deliver our services as an NDIS Registered Provider, Empress Support Services complies with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Framework. This means we specifically comply with the requirements of the following:

  • NDIS Act 2013 (Cwth).
  • NDIS Terms of Business for Registered Providers and any Conditions of NDIS Registration.
  • The requirement to obtain and maintain accreditation against the NDIS Practice Standards.

The NDIS Practice Standards are quality standards that govern how Registered NDIS providers must deliver services. We have standards that address:

  • Rights of participants and responsibilities of providers.
  • Provider governance and operational management.
  • Provision of support.
  • Support provision environment.

What do we mean when we say

We, us or our Means Empress Support Services
Staff or worker Includes our director, management, employees, contractors, other service providers, or where relevant, volunteers.
Participant Includes our clients or participants, their representative or their visitors or advocates.
Workplace or environment includes wherever our services are delivered including a participant’s home, during transport or within community activities, public spaces, or other
Service includes all aspects of our services and activities under a Support Plan.

Rights of participants and responsibilities of Providers

Empress Support Services respects and fully commits to upholding the rights of all people, including those with disabilities. We are also committed to ensuring you are aware of your rights and responsibilities and are supported to exercise them. In supporting you to exercise your rights, we must comply with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, National
Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, and NDIS Practice Standards (2018)- Rights and Responsibilities.

We believe in providing person-centred support whereby our approach is where the person is placed at the centred of the service and treated as a person first. The focus is on the person and what they can do, not their condition or disability. Support should focus on achieving the person’s aspirations and be tailored to their needs and unique circumstances.

You have the right to access supports delivered by us that:

  • Promote, uphold, and respect your legal and human rights.
  • Respect your culture, diversity, values, and beliefs.
  • Respect and protect your dignity and right to privacy.
  • Are free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, or discrimination.
  • Allow you to exercise informed choice and control.
  • Tell you about and uphold your rights.
  • Provide support in a way that promotes, upholds, and respects your rights to freedom of expression, self-determination, and decision-making.
  • Support you to make informed choices, exercise control and maximise your independence in relation to the supports we provide.
  • Respect your autonomy, including your right to intimacy and sexual expression.
  • Provide you sufficient time to consider and review your support options and seek advice if required, at any stage of our service delivery.
  • Support you to access an advocate (including an independent advocate) of your choosing.
  • Support you to engage with your family, friends and chosen community in the ways you want to.
  • Treat you with fairly, with courtesy, dignity, and respect and without discrimination.
  • Give you information about our services and associated costs, as well as other support options, within and outside Empress Support Services’ business.
  • Involve you in decisions about your support, as well as our programs and policies.
  • Provide services that consider and respect your lifestyle, cultural, linguistic, and religious background, and preferences.
  • Protect your personal information and only use it for the right reasons.
  • Support you to provide us with feedback on our service, including complaints.
  • Promptly address enquiries and complaints about the support you are receiving.
  • Support you to connect with other services, including advocates, interpreters, and translators, if needed.
  • Support you to have a person to speak on your behalf for any purpose.
  • Provide safe and appropriate services that are culturally relevant and support your needs and goals.

We encourage you to ask questions and want to make sure that you understand your rights and choices!

What you need to do as our Participant

  • Provide us with complete information that will help us to best support you.
  • Tell us if things change or if you cannot keep an appointment or commitment.
  • Act respectfully and safely towards other people using the service, and towards our staff.
  • Provide us with feedback about our service and how we can improve.
  • Promptly pay the agreed fees associated with your services and tell us as early as possible if our services are not required.
  • Tell us if something is wrong or appears wrong.

Diversity and Participation

All aspects of the way we manage our service delivery promote participants’ active participation and inclusion in the community. We support participants to develop and maintain theirindependence, problem-solving, social and self-care skills, as appropriate to their age, developmental stage, cultural background, or other needs and goals.

Some of the ways we do this include:

  • Delivering services in a way that respects your personal, gender, sexual, cultural, religious, or spiritual identity.
  • Employing and developing a diverse and culturally competent workforce.
  • Working collaboratively with disability-specific, mainstream, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse services to support holistic service delivery.
  • Using a strengths-based approach to identify individual participant needs and life goals, particularly in relation to recognising the importance of family, extended family, kinship,

Interpreting and Translation

We are aware that the delivery of high-quality and safe services relies on effective communication. Where required, interpreters and translators will be made available at no cost to support your interactions with us.

Interpreting and Translation

We are aware that the delivery of high-quality and safe services relies on effective communication. Where required, interpreters and translators will be made available at no cost to support your interactions with us.


Empress Support Services fully supports your right to have an independent advocate support you in your interactions with us. If you’d like help finding an independent advocate, speak to one of our staff. We are happy to help!

Alternatively, you can use the Disability Advocacy Finder, which is available online at https://disabilityadvocacyfinder.dss.gov.au/disability/ndap